Guest on the Nen Bailey Show
Guest, on Angela Moore's "Empowered" Radio Show.
My interview will follow the song You Got Me!
Guest, Abundant Living Broadcast, hosted by Weslia Echols & Willa Williams.
Guest on the Chris King Show, Gospel Grind Radio, Arkansas.
Guest on Mildred Gaddis Show where Dr Jeffrey Robinson was Guest Host, to discuss my new single, "You'll Get Your Life Back."
"I'm Gonna Win." My #1 Single!
My Music is spreading Globally! France was just added to the list of 12 Countries streaming & purchasing my music! The U.K. was first and the rest followed. Ever so thankful!
Interview on Kiss FM Detroit, 105.9, 12-2018
A Big Thank you & an encouraging word to the Fans." Jan. 2019